Interview Questions

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As part of my job, I am regularly interviewing developers. Often, before a interview a canidate, I do a Google search for them. What I'm hoping to find is:

  • Open source projects they've contributed to
  • Technical postings they've written on messages boards
  • Interesting blog postings

I well prepared canidate as likely Googled me before the interview. In fact, you the reader of this page, may be one such canidate. Well to give you a little help, I'll give you some of the questions I'll probably be asking you. I've posted a subset fo the questions which I usually ask.

Java Questions

  • What's the difference between .equals and ==. If you can't answer this, it's probably going to be a short interview.
  • Can you put constants in an interface? If so, is this a good idea?
  • Why do people say Java isn't a true object oriented language?
  • What is a weak reference?
  • In Java 1.4, how would you create a type safe enum?


  • Explain the difference between a macro and a template.
  • What is an initializer list? Why use them? When would you be required to use one?
  • What's the difference between an int and a long?
  • How would you determine the number of elements in a C array?
  • What's the difference between a reference and a pointer? Which one do you prefer to use?


  • What is an inner / outer / self / theta join?