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Martin Fowler has written about the [Range Base Pattern] for representing a range of values. Here's a generic base class I wrote in Java which has the same basic functionality. I usually subclass this and add type specific methods.

<geshi lang="java"> /**

* A generic range.  I would prefer to define this as Range<E extends Comparable<? super E>>,
* but then pre 1.5 types can't be used with this.
* Additionally, you run into hell when you have Base implements Comparable<Base> and want to have
* Derived extends Base.  Derived can't implement Comparable<Derived> because it's already defined differently
* in the base class.

public class Range<E extends Comparable> {

   protected final E min;
   protected final E max;
   public Range(E min, E max) {
       GuardHelper.notNullMultiple(min, max);
       validate(min, max);
       this.min = min;
       this.max = max;
   protected void validate(E min, E max) {
       if (min.compareTo(max) > 0) {
           throw new IllegalArgumentException(min + " < " + max);
   public boolean contains(E value) {
       return value != null && min.compareTo(value) <= 0
               && max.compareTo(value) >= 0;
   public E getMinimum() {
       return min;
   public E getMaximum() {
       return max;
   public int hashCode() {
       return min.hashCode() + max.hashCode();
   public boolean equals(Object o) {
       if (this == o) {
           return true;
       if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
           return false;
       Range range = (Range) o;
       return max.equals(range.max) && min.equals(range.min);

   public String toString() {
       return min + ".." + max;

} </geshi>

And of course the unit test <geshi lang="java"> public class RangeUnitTest extends UnitTestCase {

   public void testContains() {
       Range<Integer> range = new Range<Integer>(3, 5);
   public void testCtor() {
       try {
           new Range<Integer>(5, 3);
       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

} </geshi>