Ruby Tips

From EggeWiki
Revision as of 20:38, 17 September 2007 by Brianegge (talk | contribs)

Tab Completion in IRb

Add this to your .irbrc.

<geshi lang="ruby">

require 'irb/completion'
ARGV.concat [ "--readline", "--prompt-mode", "simple" ]


Thanks [why].

Ruby Patch to Zip

A script to take an Eclipse generated patch file, and zip every file which is referenced in the patch.

Ruby gems on Cygwin

aka how to fix ruby: no such file to load -- ubygem (LoadError) or /usr/bin/ruby: no such file to load -- ubygems (LoadError) <geshi lang="bash"> $ unset RUBYOPT $ cd /tmp/ $ wget $ tar -zxf rubygems-0.9.4.tgz $ cd rubygems-0.9.4 $ ruby setup.rb </geshi>

Ruby Yaml to Enum

Generate Java 1.5 enums from a YAML file

Ruby detab

A script for removing tabs from source files

Ruby Sybase Solaris

Error Messages


Setup tab completion and history here:

Ruby Sybase Install

Escape invalid XML characters.

This is useful for running stuff through before posting it to the wiki.

echo "<a href=\"foo\">" | ruby -pe 'gsub!(/\&/, "&"); gsub!(/"/, """); gsub!(/</, "<"); gsub!(/>/, ">"); '
&lt;a href=&quot;foo&quot;&gt;