What exceptions can ejbCreate throw?

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One of the wonders of ejb2 is the methods you implement are not defined in an interface. I recently wanted to know exceptions can be thrown from an ejbCreate method. The answer is none. Here's the exception JBoss gives you if you define one:

<geshi> 2009-11-04 17:50:44,844 WARN [main] ejb.EJBDeployer$1 (EJBDeployer.java:553) - EJB spec violation: Bean  : MyBeanMdb Method : public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException Section: 15.7.3 Warning: The ejbCreate() method must define no application exceptions. </geshi>

(Un)fortunately, the ejb spec isn't searchable by Google. I guess you can download the spec here: http://java.sun.com/products/ejb/docs.html . I should have known better than to think you could throw a javax.ejb.CreateException from ejbCreate.