CrAzY cAsE

From EggeWiki

Here's a Ruby one liner to make your text hard to read.

<geshi lang="ruby"> x = false puts 'crazycase is like upcase, downcase, or titlecase, just a bit crazy'.each_char.collect { |c| x = (not x); if x then c.upcase else c.downcase end }.join cRaZyCaSe iS LiKe uPcAsE, dOwNcAsE, oR TiTlEcAsE, jUsT A BiT CrAzY puts 'you can also just alternate every other word'.split(/ /).collect { |c| x = (not x); if x then c.upcase else c.downcase end }.join(' ') you CAN also JUST alternate EVERY other WORD </geshi>