
From EggeWiki

Solaris 10 doesn't come with lsof, and a non-root user can't compile and run lsof. However, the pfiles command in Solaris 10 can offer similar functionality. Unfortunately, it doesn't list all files from all processes, but you can check on a single process.

$ pfiles 4653 | grep "/" | grep -v "/devices/"
4653:   /opt/java/jdk1.5.0_14/bin/amd64/java -Djboss.deploy.env=rhubarb

The linux netstat command has the option to show process id's of the process owning the socket. Solaris doesn't have this capability, but you can get similar affect with pfiles.

$ pfiles 8397 | grep port
        sockname: AF_INET  port: 8080
$ ps -u ${USER} | awk ' { print $1; }' | xargs pfiles | grep port | sort | uniq
        peername: AF_INET  port: 8080
        peername: AF_INET  port: 9080