Xbox Linux Project
I've installed Linux on my XBox. Here's a list of things that worked. This is more a list to myself to help me remember what I've done, but maybe it'll be useful to someone else as well.
My Xbox was manufactured March 2004. I attempted to do a software only install, but didn't have great success. I got the Mechinstall hack to work, but I couldn't boot a Linux CD.
So I purchased a solderless mod chip from
1 XBOX - 1 X-CHIP COMBO 636 $59.00 $59.00
It came with the Cronwell bios installed. I plugged it in. It worked just fine. The only thing I haven't figured out is a way for it to automatically boot Linux after so many seconds. Right now I have to use the controller to select the bios, and then to have it boot off the hard drive.
I have an 8 GB hard drive, so I installed Xebian onto the game save partition. Maybe later I'll replace the hard drive with another IDE drive I have lying around. As it is, I have 3,000 GBs.
When use my Windows 2000 computer to ssh into the xbox. I'd added the xbox to my host file, and setup a static IP on the xbox. When I login in, I'm given this version information:
Welcome to the : Xebian Version : 1.1.0-xbox Author : Edgar Hucek ( Hostname : xbox.localdomain.local Linux Ver. : 2.4.27
Today, I'm going to try to get vnc working. Since the xbox is in a different room from my Windows computer this will help. The first thing I did was:
xbox:~# apt-get install vncserver xbox:~# vncserver You will require a password to access your desktops. Password: xebian Verify: xebian xauth: creating new authority file /root/.Xauthority New 'X' desktop is xbox.localdomain.local:1 Starting applications specified in /etc/X11/Xsession Log file is /root/.vnc/xbox.localdomain.local:1.log
Back on my Win2k machine, I ran
"C:\Program Files\TightVNC-unstable\vncviewer.exe" xbox:1
The VNC server starts a new desktop, and lets you connect to that desktop. The desktop was quite ugly, so I right clicked, selected Styles, and choose qnx-photon. This looked quite nice even through VNC. I don't know how to reconfigure VNC to use more colors. I might figure that out later.
To access my MP3's on my Win2k computer, I used this command:
mount -t smbfs -o username=Administrator,password=,debug=4 // /win2k mount -t smbfs -o username=Administrator,password=,debug=4 // ~/mp3
I'd like to play some emulated games. So far I haven't been able to get this to work. Here's my try an the zsnes enumlator, for the Super-Nintendo.
apt-get install zsnes zsnes /win2k/Games/SNesMARIO.SMC
When launched, my TV flickers. I can see the game, but it's not playable. The sound is there, and everything seems so close to working.
I found I could do this to set the clock:
xhost +local:0.0 export DISPLAY=:0.0 apt-get install '.*snes9.*' startx xeyes
OK, I seem to have solved the 'flicker' problem by running the emulators through X11. X11 has a few problems that I haven't figured out how to fix:
- Title bar is always at top of screen - no full screen mode
- Not all buttons seem to map ok. Namely Start & Select in zsnes. Need to fix this to play most games.
- The mouse does not turn off while you are playing your game. Because Xebian uses the Xbox controller for a mouse and gamepad, it does not stop the mouse when you are playing your game. This creates a lot of bothersome problems. I think if I connected a normal mouse I could disable the Xbox controller mouse.
- Up/Down was inverted. Also, I couldn't use the directional pad.